23 January 2014

First Australia Post!

Hello from Australia! I arrived Wednesday morning at 6am after 24 hours of plane rides and stayed awake all day until about 10:30pm. It was a loooong day, probably because it was 2 days and I missed Tuesday completely. I am still not over the jetlag. Yesterday we walked around Waterloo and the areas around Sydney and went to a Hotel.

Fun fact: Hotel is essentially a pub or a bar here because places that served alcohol used to have to have overnight accommodations. Hence hotel!

Felt like freshman year all over again walking around in a group of 30+, but at least we had a final destination. Jackie, Courtney, Miranda and I successfully navigated a bus home! Goo us! Small victories. Then I promptly passed out by 10:30.

Today we had orientation at Australian Catholic University. Beaaauutiful. Although, still had construction going on like good ‘ol UMass. I hear we got a foot of snow back home? Life’s rouuuugh. We got lunch at this little cafĂ© and our waiter adored us. Apparently Americas say thank you much more than Australians do, and he appreciated it a lot.

Not much else has happened yet. They have Seinfeld and Ellen on TV though, yippee!

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