07 August 2013


Contrary to the title of this post, I am not going to post a picture of some celeb I think is deserving of me posting her picture because she's hot and/or my "woman crush." Why would I mislead you with that title then you ask? Because I don't understand the point of all these crazy hashtag Twitter/Instagram trends. When they first started I was like, "okay, that's kind of cool, I get to see pictures of things other than your daily selfie, your night out, your drink in front of the pool captioned 'this is the life', or your dog." (Just kidding about the dog, I love the pictures people post of their pets and I will shamelessly show Cooper off at every given chance, he's the cutest dog you've ever seen just admit it.) But now this hashtag trend depending on what day of the week it is has gotten OUT OF CONTROL. These hashtags and accompanying pictures fill my social media day in and day out and I think it's time for these to stop being a thing…

  • #mancandymonday and/or #mancrushmonday
  • #transformationtuesday
  • #wildwomanwednesday, #womancrushwednesday, #wastedpicwednesday
  • #throwbackthursday (this one I'm okay with, unless your picture is from two weeks ago, in which case you might want to look up the definition of a "throw back")
  • #failfriday, #flashbackfriday (Why? Isn't that what throwbackthursday was for? Overkill, don't ya think.) #freakyfriday
  • #selfiesunday
I appreciate a little man candy on my Monday morning as much as the next girl but when you've posted  Justin Beiber for the 2nd time that morning and the for the 23rd week in a row, GIVE IT A REST. For one, Justin Beiber is a child, and not at all attractive to look at, and number 2 don't you think the world has seen enough of him by your 4th post? 

Transformation Tuesday also can be good or bad depending how it's done. For example, if you've turned your life around and love your body now I say good for you girl (or boy?) show it off, you have every right to be proud of your progress, and I would totally rock that too. If you're using it to post a selfie of how "hot" you've gotten compared to your middle school days, not so much into it. We were all awkward back then, embrace it.

Wild Woman Wednesday… see my feelings toward man candy monday.
Wasted Pic Wednesday… If you really do this, you're silly, I hope your future employer never stumbles upon your Instagram.

Throwback Thursday I love you, I love reflecting on great memories with great friends. Throwback to last Tuesday Tuesday… not so much. You look the same.

Senior Cruise was rockstar themed, 3 years ago now!!

Alright I kind of made up the Friday ones aside from Flashback Friday but you get the picture, hashtags are all good when used in moderation, and I love reflecting on hot celebs and my younger years as much as the next person, but not when that's all you post about, in my opinion.

How do you feel about hashtags? Any I missed? What are your favorites/least favorites to post and look at?

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